

来源:思博网     发布时间:2016-12-07     点击量:
Joint EPO-EUIPO study highlights economicbenefits of IP for Europe
25 October 2016

The EPO and theEU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) today published their second EU-widestudy of the impact of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) on the Europeaneconomy in terms of GDP, employment, wages and trade.

The study findsthat more than 42% of total economic activity in the EU (some EUR 5.7 trillionannually) is generated by IPR-intensive industries, and approximately 38% ofall employment in the EU (82 million jobs) stems from businesses that have ahigher than average use of IP rights. The report also finds that average wagesin IPR-intensive industries are more than 46% higher than in other industries.
该研究指出IPR密集产业生产超过欧盟整体经济活动的42%(每年约5.7万亿欧元),并且在欧盟约38%的受雇工作(8千两百万个工作)是来自高于平均IPR使用 的报告也指出IPR密集产业的薪水高于其他产业46%。

In addition, IPR intensive industries have played adramatic role in EU trade, with a very high share of imports (85%), and an evenhigher share of exports (93%), as well as generating a trade surplus of ?96.4 billion for the EU in the period 2011-2013.
此外,IPR密集产业在欧洲对外贸易中扮演吃重角色,占欧盟进口85%与出口93%的比重,因此在2011 - 2013年期间替欧盟创造964亿欧元的贸易顺差。

These businesses also appear to have shownmore resilience in the face of the economic crisis, as the study reveals aslight increase in the contribution of these industries to the EU economy since2010.

EPO PresidentBeno?t Battistelli said: “Our joint report again confirms the benefits ofpatents and other IPRs for the European economy. Intellectual property assetsare increasingly important for innovating companies, especially for SMEs, butalso for research centres and universities. They have a positive impact onjobs, economic growth and prosperity in Europe.”

AntónioCampinos, Executive Director of the EUIPO, said: “The rapidly changing natureof business in the 21st century means that the EU and global economy reliesstrongly on trademarks, designs, patents and other rights. This poses thechallenge of ensuring that IP rights are more accessible to all businesses, andare protected effectively against infringement, in order to help the EU toretain its innovative strengths.”

The study coversa broad range of IP rights – patents, trademarks, designs, copyright,geographical indications (GIs) and plant variety rights. It also identifiesindustries that use them more intensively than others and quantifies thecontribution of these businesses to key economic indicators at EU level, inparticular gross domestic product (GDP), employment, wages and external trade.It further reports that IP-intensive industries such as engineering, motorvehicles and life sciences, account for approximately 90% of the EU's tradewith the rest of the world.

InnoPatman 心得:创新的经济价值是由IPR体现,不过目前创新-IPR-经济价值这条路上似乎出现断路?(缺了IPR)或短路(跳过IPR)?

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